====== Setup of the Mystic BBS system in an LXC Container Begin's ====== The Setup of the Mystic BBS system in an LXC container begins. I am following "The Mystic Guy" videos on understanding the BBS system and along the way i am working on a howto on installing the system in an Debian 11 LXC container with Systemd start-scripts and popper configuration for running as unprivileged user with scripts to handle all the maintenance tasks like creating empty log-files with date in it and re-linking them to the standard name for ex. mutil.yyyymmdd.log -> mutil.log that is handled by an mis event at midnight. integration with fail2ban. At the moment searching a way to extract performance data form mystic to export to grafana .... i just want to get all the background task list sorted out before i look into finishing the config in the BBS itself. Todo: * Monitoring (Zabbix) * Metrics (Prometheuse/Grafana) * Proxmox Backup Server (Fujitsu Futro s900 with pci raid card for external 8 disk case still searching) * sms notifications (via usb gsm and smsd server) * ..... {{tag>}} ~~LINKBACK~~ ~~DISCUSSION~~